Straight from the oven — 8 places for Peinirli in Athens
Peinirli or penirli (πεϊνιρλί ή πενιρλί) is a type of long narrow open pie, containing basically cheese, to which various fillings could be added. Its origin is from Turkey, where it is known as “pide”. The word “peinirli” etymologically comes from the Turkish word “peynirli” which means “with cheese”. It is also known as the “pie of the Black Sea” and is a very popular delicacy of Georgian cuisine, in which it is known as “khacapuri”. In Greece peinirli came along with the intense refugee flows of the 20th century. Its characteristic is its buttery dough. Although it is one of the most popular street foods in Greece, there only a few places in Athens where you will taste it in its original form. Our top 8 choices for peinirli in Athens are :