The best street food in Pagrati (Athens)
Pagrati or Pangrati (Παγκράτι) is one of the most interesting urban areas of Athens that has always played an important role in the life of the city. It was loved by artists and writers, and was a favourite place of residence for intellectuals. The old inhabitants of Pagrati are still proud to call themselves true Athenians. After a period of decline, for the last ten years the area has revived and become a favourite place to go out and have fun for the younger (and not only) public of the city. Varnavas Square and Proskopon Square are two focal points of the reborn Pagrati, but in every corner of the neighbourhood a new store opens and wants to offer something different. Art galleries, vintage clothing stores, cafes, bars and restaurants, along with old traditional taverns, bakeries and grocery stores (and of course the brand new Goulandris Museum of Contemporary Art) create a unique mix.
In this article we write about our ten favourite places for street food in Pagrati, which could be combined with a perfect stroll around the streets and the shops of this hype and cool urban hub.